- The eight practical tips that covers the basics of healthy eating:
1- Base your meals on starchy carbohydrates
- Starchy carbohydrates should be 1/3 of the food you eat . e.g potatoes , bread , rice and pasta
- Choose the wholegrain varieties. They contains more fibers and can help you fell full for longer.
- Try to include at least one starchy food in each main meal .
- Some people think starchy foods are fattening, but gram for gram the carbohydrate they contain provides fewer than half the calories of fat.
2-Eat lots of fruits and veg
We must eat at least five portions of variety of fruits and veg every single day .
'' chop of banana over your breakfast cereal - piece of fresh fruit as a mid morning snack ''
'' chop of banana over your breakfast cereal - piece of fresh fruit as a mid morning snack ''
3- Eat more fishes
- Fishes are good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals
- We must eat at least 2 portions of fish a week including at least one portion of oily fish that contains Omega-3 fats which may help to prevent heart diseases .
4- CUT DOWN on saturated fats and sugar
- Sure we are all needs some fats in our diet but it is important to pay attention of fat we are eating .
- there are 2 main types of fats - saturated fats & unsaturated fats . Too much saturated fats can increase the amount of cholesterol in blood which increase the risk of developing heart disease .
- Saturated fats are found in many foods such as :
- hard cheese - cream
- hard cheese - cream
- cakes - butter
- biscuits - lard
- sausage - pie
- Sugar : Regularly consuming foods or drinks high in sugar increase the risk of obesity and tooth decay , especially if eaten between meals .
5- Eating less salts ( > 6g /day )
- Eating too much salts can raise your blood pressure . People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke
6- Get active and be a healthy weight
- Eating a healthy , balanced diets plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight which is an important part of over all good health
- Check whether you are healthy weight by using Healthy wight calculator
7- Never get thirsty
- We need to drink plenty of fluid to stop us getting dehydrated . The government recommends 6-8 glasses of water every day .
- Try to avoid sugary soft and frizzy drinks that are a high in added sugar and calories , also bad for teeth
8- Never skip breakfast
- Researches shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be over-weighted.
- Also, breakfast has been shown to have positive effects on children's mental performance and increase their concentration throughout the morning .
- Healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet and provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health .
- Wholegrain , lower sugar cereal with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and nutritious breakfast .
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